Big Things Next Year

Christmas Fat Gain – Who Cares? Merry Christmas all! Just wanted to give a quick post on a few things, the first being about nutrition around this time of year. It’s tough. There’s a shed load of temptation and tasty junk about that we all struggle to resist. The average man consumes 6000kcals on Christmas […]

The Best Form of Fat Loss!

What is the best exercise to lose fat? Running? Lifting weight? Circuit training? Sport? How many times a week do I need to do it, how long for and how much does it need to hurt before it’s effective? These questions I get asked almost every day. Of course we want to know what exercise […]

WHAT is your WHY?

So we are back up and running with the site all singing and all dancing and this has made me very happy! A lot nicer to look at and a lot more functional. This shall indeed spur me on to provide you with as much information as I can get my grubby little mitts upon […]

Bikini Modelling and all other aspects of training

As a few of you might be aware, I have had the very fortunate position of late to be coaching Becci, my girlfriend who is an aspiring Fitness/Bikini Model. I met Becci in March last year when she attended Eastleigh Boot Camp. She was an enthusiastic and excitable, if not wary and tentative camper in […]

Guest Blog – Becci Brisland Miss Galaxy Universe Competitor!

Hi all, I’ve been asked to share my story with you, so I’ll start by telling you a little of my background. I’m Becci, 28, and before April 2012 led quite a sedentary life in most respects. I was never really overweight but never, like most girls, happy with my body and always had the […]

Herbalife, Body by Vi and all that other crap

Rant post coming up! This post is about meal replacement shakes and supplements that help you lose weight and my opinions on them. I’ve seen so many people recently sign up to a lot of these nutrition experts meal replacement program’s and I have to say it worries me. It worries me because of two […]


I’ve been lazy. It’s been months since I’ve posted. I apologise! It has been a busy time. In the last 6 months the goal posts have shifted somewhat and Southampton Fitness has diversified and changed. No longer working from a budget gym in Portsmouth as a PT amongst all the other ventures, now we are […]

Eye Opening Discovery Today

Food Industry Well today was interesting on many levels personally. A very exciting meeting with a very important health company for me, means I might be able to offer you some fantastic stuff going forward. On a general knowledge and learning scale, I found some fantastic information from someone who works in the Food Industry. […]

Help 4 Harvey

Harvey Young No posts for a little while as I have been ultra busy working on a few little projects I have going on. Cutting straight to the chase, the most important project is a fund raising one. Harvey Young is a 3 year old boy with spastic diplegia cerebral palsy, which prevents him from […]


Weight Loss or More? So its the New Year. Which means what? Resolutions of course! Top 3 resolutions? 1. Lose Weight. 2. Quit smoking. 3. Stop drinking for a month. You know what? I’m not going to stop having the odd glass of wine. I am doing something much, more than this. This post is […]