So we are back up and running with the site all singing and all dancing and this has made me very happy! A lot nicer to look at and a lot more functional. This shall indeed spur me on to provide you with as much information as I can get my grubby little mitts upon and I will write more and more posts each week. So I hope you like the site!

Anyway, to the point Dan I hear you say. I asked my PT group about what I should write about on the return of the blog and the first answer, so kindly given by Julia Garner was: People who want to change, but aren’t willing to change their habits.

Great topic.

We are all completely different and individual in our own special ways. We all have different desires and needs and we all have different ideas of how we wish to achieve those desires and needs. I think you know where I am going to head with this one.

Let’s talk about body composition, or if you want to put it another way, how we look and feel about our bodies. We are in 2013, with iPads, Twitter, Facebook, LED TV’s and other wonderful pieces of tech that look great, and lead us to a whole new world that is completely different now in terms of evolution. Evolution in our physical selves and evolution in our psychological make up.

We are all image conscious. Even people who claim they don’t care about the way they look, I think they do. Women wear make up, yet claim they aren’t bothered about the way they look. Men wear smart clothes out, but don’t care about their physique. I call bullshit. Why would they wear make up, smart shoes, clothes, after shave etc if they didn’t care about their image?

Even if those people REALLY don’t care about the way they look, shouldn’t they care about the way they feel? I mean lacking in energy, getting the 4pm slump, weaker immune system and many other things that they could suffer from. (Obviously not saying everyone does, just a sweeping generalisation really!) Why would you want to feel that way?

This brings us on to the people who say they want to change, they want to lose weight, feel and look great, improve their self esteem, gain energy, fit better clothes etc etc, BUT, they just can’t do what’s necessary.

Common Excuses:

  1. Time, “I’ve got 32 kids and I work and my husband works and when I sit down at 7 at night all I want to do is drink wine.”
  2. Money, “I can’t afford healthy food, its expensive”. “I can’t afford a gym membership”.
  3. Food, “I just can’t eat that, I don’t like it/I have an intolerance to that”. (Have you tested it!)
  4. Water, “I don’t like water, can’t I just drink squash?”


  1. Work out your schedule to see if you can fit just a couple of 30 minute sessions in. Perhaps your husband/wife can have the kids for 30 minutes on a saturday morning.
  2. Rubbish, high sugary foods cause cravings and mess around with your hormones so much, you get hungry more frequently. You also don’t have to join the gym!
  3. Food intolerances, are usually told to me by people who don’t like vegetables!
  4. If you lived in Somalia during the crisis perhaps, do you think you’d turn water away? We live in England, bit different but still, water is vital to our body.


To cut it back, what I am trying to get to is this:

What is you want? Do you want to remain the same as you are, or do you want to change your body/lifestyle? Are you going to continue making excuses, or are you going to change the excuses in to hurdles that you want to soar over and get where you want to be?

Ask yourselves those questions and you will get the answers to what you really want.

Be the best you can be, you’re here once and one time only. Make the absolute most of it and liberate your body back!

5 Responses

  1. This time 4 weeks ago I couldn’t cope with the thought of giving up the food I love , and the thought of ‘no carbs’ really worried me…
    I made that decision to focus on what I need to do to achieve the goals I have set and dan has made that happen.. I’m losing weight and inches and can’t believe how far I have come already ..

  2. The best money you will ever spend! In 4 weeks ive lost 11lb and a total of 25-30cm in my measurements across my hips, waist, bum and thighs. Feeling more toned then ever before and dans nutrition guidance is spot on! Well work doing and lots of fun!

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