Food Industry

Well today was interesting on many levels personally. A very exciting meeting with a very important health company for me, means I might be able to offer you some fantastic stuff going forward.

On a general knowledge and learning scale, I found some fantastic information from someone who works in the Food Industry. They are clever little buggers aren’t they in there! Their marketing techniques are absolutely brilliant to be quite honest. Morally disgusting however. As you are all aware we at Southampton Fitness and Essential Fitness Camp, we believe in healthy eating and lifestyle changes. The supermarkets certainly do not. They are corporations who want and need to make money and it would seem they will do anything to get it!

The following might seem like a lot of common sense to a lot of us, but I think its definitely worth a read. Below is what I have found out today from the insider, who I will not name, because 1. They are a great person who I respect and 2. That’s all I need to say!

  1. Most of the British population do not know about the information on the front of food packaging. So the boxes that tell you the calorie contents, sodium, saturated fat content etc… Most people interviewed, have no idea what it means, the most common answer to what those boxes represent apparently is: “I fink it’s to do wiv the 5 a day!” Hmmmm.
  2. Waitrose pulled their Essentials Range because their consumers didn’t want to be seen to be buying cheap crap food – Well, yeah, could see that a mile off really. How many Waitrose shoppers do you know who buy 50p sausages?! Silly marketers!
  3. The 5 boxes of info on the front of the food packaging mentioned earlier, are not a legal requirement on foods currently and won’t be so until 2014! M and S are taking advantage of this by REMOVING them!
  4.  Buy one get one free deals. Supermarkets put these on because it’s quick cash for them. They are cheap to buy for the supermarkets, but when they put them on products such as crisps, they stimulate impulse buys. 400x  the regular sales! They are brainwashing you!

That’s just 4. I’ve got lots more to come guys. I will be chatting to said person about this some more. Fascinating and a really insightful view in to the industry so far, I can’t wait to see what’s revealed next.

Anyway, changing to something more positive. Help 4 Harvey is kicking in to gear. I want to help raise £1000 to get him somewhere near where he needs to get to. A fancy dress boot camp on the 16th of March should get things moving.

If you can donate just £2 here: Donation Page you can help change a life.

Merci Beaucoup for reading!

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