Carbs in the morning and all that stuff

What’s best? I’ve never been particularly in tune with my body, which is surprising really as a PT who is in to Physique shows. I’ve always struggled to figure out what works best for me, how I feel after certain foods, what triggers me to eat certain things and if and when my guts don’t […]

Are You a Weight Warrior?

Are You a Weight Warrior?     We’ve all been there – you leap out of bed, in anticipation of your weekly weigh in, super sure that all the hard work you’ve put in over the last week is going to result in an epic weight loss.   Half with trepidation, half with excitement, you […]

My diet and training

HIIT it hard Over the last 10-12 weeks I’ve been dieting down and training for a physique competition called the Muscletalk UKBFF Championships. Why? Probably because unless I have a goal, my nutrition/training is never as good and I’ve never been happy with my body. Why am I writing this blog? Well a few people […]

Bodybuilding on a Budget!

Keep it Cheap! I can’t tell you how many people complain to me that they find it really expensive to eat the foods necessary to get more muscle or support their training. I’ll be honest, it can be quite difficult. Most people recommend Grass Fed meat, and organic free range vegetables etc, and yeah, that […]

Do Calories Matter?

Questions I get asked this question all the time by clients/friends etc. “Do you need to count calories?” My answer is always the same. “It depends”.   A calorie is a measurement we use to measure the energy from food. The amounts have a number of variations applied to them, as not all calories are […]

Physique Show June 29th

Bodybuilding So this post is just an update in to a bit about what’s going with our show and life really. I think its important for me to connect with my clients/friends to let them know what’s going, as everything is, well a little different recently! Becci did her first show “Miss Galaxy Universe” in […]

Ways to get LEAN!

Fat Loss Made Simple Yo. My last blog was a little offensive and not very well thought out, written when I had no sleep and I would like to apologise. I don’t want to go in to it, its done now, so I’m moving on. Anywho, I just wanted to write something real quick that […]

The Anti-Bodybuilder

Bodybuilding Prep Yo. So as most of you know, Becci and I are doing a Bodybuilding competition in June. Don’t laugh (at me, Becci looks great), it’s a goal and hopefully it will be all good come the 29th June. I am of course nervous and way out of my depth physique wise, but, I […]

Running – My Experiences

It’s hard innit I don’t know about you, but I find all these people who do the marathon each year two things. 1. Inspiring. 2. Slightly mental. It’s such a long way though isn’t it? 26.2 miles of absolute hell from start to finish. That’s if you wear a pair of shorts and a vest, […]

Are You Too Extreme To Lose Fat?

Guest Blog – Matt Smith Matt is an established PT based in Harrow and I am sure he is going to be a top voice in the fitness industry VERY SOON! You can find Matt on his website – Click this Link And his Facebook Page – Click this Link   Are you too extreme […]