
So this post is just an update in to a bit about what’s going with our show and life really.

I think its important for me to connect with my clients/friends to let them know what’s going, as everything is, well a little different recently!

Becci did her first show “Miss Galaxy Universe” in October last year, and she did really well, I was extremely proud of her achievements and she looked fantastic.

This spurred me to enter a physique show as well, because she enjoyed it so much, and I probably didn’t give her enough support through out her preparation, I also wanted to see what it was like to prep for a show. I know it wasn’t easy that’s for sure.

So we’ve both signed up to do UKBFF Muscletalk in Bedford on the 29th June.

I am shitting myself to be quite honest.

Confidence is something I don’t usually lack as such, on the outside, but on the inside, knowing that hundreds of people will be looking at me, watching and judging me on how I look gives me mixed emotions.

On one hand, you spend hours in the books, gym & kitchen, creating the physique to then have it come to a head on stage where people rate you on it.

I can’t really play competitive sports any more due to injuries sustained, which is frustrating, so this is my outlet for it instead. I must admit, its pretty addictive so far.

You kind of compete against the calipers/pictures that you took the week before, to see if the nutrition and training schedule you’ve programmed has worked. Thus far, it has, which is great.

Becci has also been doing the same, I’ve programmed hers and its working pretty well, it has had a blip though, rather than panicking, we just changed a few nutrition variables and things got moving in the right direction, which is great news really.


I understand that most people I know, find the whole thing a little bit weird. I get that. Standing up on stage, covered in fake tan (which I am dreading!) oil and posing in front of people, to be judged purely on how you look, probably seems like the most bizarre thing in the world to most, but I enjoy the process and intend to I’denjoy the day too!


It’s currently been 9 weeks of dieting down. We had a blip in the prep, where we went away for a weekend with some friends, and we drank a lot of alcohol. So that definitely didn’t help matters, but, we ate well and that was fine.

6 weeks progressprogress

I think the best part of this whole process is that I am very lucky to have Becci who preps all our meals and puts a lot of time and effort in to making them palatable, interesting and actually most enjoyable.

I’d really recommend following her as she does some amazing meals, and amazing desserts which are what people would class as “clean”.

You can follow her here:

I took advice from loads of really decent people who spared me the time, in terms of prepping for this show, as I didn’t want to leave any stone un-turned. 

Loads of different advice, which I took on board, and applied the bits that I thought would work well for me, and left the bits that didn’t.

One of the best bits so far, I scheduled a 600kcal cheat every Saturday evening, which have been mostly sweets. I love wine gums and skittles, they’re awesome!

Becci chose not to cheat, for her own reasons, I have almost force fed her some times though because I want her to keep her sanity. Doing so much food prep for the most fussy bloke in the world cannot be easy, and at times I am pretty difficult, so she needs to be able to let off some steam.

Alcohol. Those who know me, this used to be a problem I think.

Now? Not so much. I had a little chat with a good bodybuilding friend of mine and he said, “Chill out, its only a glass of wine”.

I had some. Didn’t enjoy it. Had some slimline G & T’s. Not going to lie, they tasted good whilst watching the boxing. A whole 295kcals there ha.


My first posing lesson is next week. Bit nervous. But I intend to enjoy the process.

Becci had one the other day, just a brush up on her skills, and she’s looking awesome. I am very proud of her and what she’s done. In only 18 months ish of training, she’s totally transformed.

She decided after getting in to weight training that she loved the whole physique show stuff and has thrived ever since. It’s taken me a little while to catch up ha!

So we are just over 3.5 weeks away now, not long left, I think I am on target. I won’t win anything, but I have worked hard to get there, had lots of negativity and positivity thrown at me through the process and stuck with it.

I want to achieve something, and I hope by doing this I will get that sense of achievement.


Anyway, enough boring stuff, thanks for reading, next blog will be about something more interesting! 😀

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