Free Boot Camp!

Health and Fitness with Added Fat Loss 2013 Well a very Happy New Year to you all! I hope you had lots of fun over the festive period and are looking to get back on track in 2013! I’m going to keep this post relatively short for you for a change. All this post is […]

New Years Resolution’s

Boot Camp PT Whingeing?! It’s your favourite Boot Camp PT having a cheeky boxing day post! Were you a good boy or girl this year? Did Father Christmas bring you everything you wanted? Did he chuck in a size-able waist band with it? Did you go to my sunday boot camp the other day, or […]

My Fat Loss Christmas Tips to cure Hangovers and Not Pile On the Lbs!

Fat Loss Christmas Tips to cure Hangovers and Not Pile On the Lbs! Well its here. The festive period. The time of giving and receiving and getting smashed and eating junk generally. I love Christmas really, other than the weather, it’s the only time of year where everyone appears to be genuinely happy, forgetting all […]

Free Stuff Just For You, For Christmas, From Me

Well tis the season to be jolly and all that. Rather than whine on at you all about maintaining your attitudes to nutrtition and being as good as you possibly can be over the festive season, I thought I would change tact and go completely against the grain with this light-hearted seasonal post! “What’s he […]

“I don’t have the time”

Good morning fat loss fans! This post is brought to you with positivity and energy this morning, I’ve just consumed an omelette with spinach and green beans, with a cheeky little black coffee which I allow myself one of in the morning’s to get me started. Being in the Health and Fitness Industry I am […]

Pre Christmas Shape Up

As most of you are aware, my business partner and I are in the game of changing people’s physiques and mindsets towards health and nutrition, always getting results. We are bringing a quickfire pre-christmas fat/weight loss programme online available to just 30 special people. 14 have already signed up! If you want the following benefits […]

Gym Classes for Weight Loss

There are many different varieties of exercise classes at various gyms up and down the country and I get asked frequently which classes people should go to at their gym or health club, to lose weight. Well, this post is to give my opinion on what classes I recommend and why. I shall start with […]

Running to lose fat?

The very first exercise that people generally do when they hit the gym is run. They hit the treadmill, the cross trainer and the exercise bike. Some people even hit the recumbent bike whilst reading their iPad’s and books (which is a personal pet hate of mine!). Unsurprisingly, most people who go to the gym […]

Guest Blog from Stuart Cocks

So Dan has suggested I give an honest opinion of what has been happening since my new lifestyle change.  He has asked me to give positives and if there is any constructive criticism I can give him.  Let me first say that if it sounds like I’m kissing his ass I’m truly not but Dan […]

It’s been a while

Well what can I say? We have been busy changing people’s lifestyles and bodies! In the previous 12 weeks you will have read about Stuart Cocks. He has done so well, 44lbs in a little over 3 months now, even allowing some time off for a minor procedure on his foot and a little trip […]