Are you ready to lose fat?!

Everyone wants to be in shape.

It’s 2015.

Honestly. They do. People always say this and that, but ultimately, most people want to be in better shape, or at least the best shape they can be.

Women want to look good on the beach in that bikini.

Men want to fill out a t-shirt.

Fuck the Dad-Bod. That’s a lazy mindset.

Accepting that Dad-Bod isn’t good.

Healthy body, healthy mind and all that jazz.

Getting there – sound familiar?

Yo-yo dieting, up and down.

Fad diets – Atkins, Paleo, Dukan, Cambridge, Low carb, Low Fat, Juiceplus, Herbabollocks, 12 week transformations.

Endless hours of Cardio or higher reps in the gym? Lol at that last one.

This ring any bells?

Done any of these before? I mean, I’m pretty sure I did a couple of those in the past. So if you’re reading my page, you must have too. If not, then, well done you smarty pants.

These are all methods people use to get shredded, lean, skinny or whatever the funk you want to call it.

They all end in tears.

What do you need to do and what you WANT to do

They are usually complete opposites.

Deep breaths people’s. This might sting a bit.

I mean, if I had £1 for every time someone said to me- “Oh, I couldn’t do what you do, I love my……

  1. Food
  2. Chocolate
  3. Beer
  4. Wine
  5. Carbs
  6. Cheat Meals
  7. Social life

….too much”,

Well, lets put it this way, Richard Branson would be ringing me for business advice and I wouldn’t bother writing blogs.

richard branson

What you want to do is quickly fix it don’t ya.

Get it done in 8 weeks.

I mean, yeah of course, those jeans which fitted you when you were 18, you are 4 sizes too big for them now.

Of course, an 8 week intensive PT course is going to get you right back in to them!

Sustainability – I use big words to sound clever

Is it sustainable?

No of course its not.

If you’re looking for an 8 week fix, you’re not ready yet.

If you are using every excuse under the sun, then you aren’t ready.

You dont want it enough.

Or you haven’t tried what your mate has done that’s made them lose 18 stone, and then add only 12 back on.

It worked for them, it must work for you right?

You don’t want to change for life. You just want that bikini to look better when you go with the girls to Marbs. (Girl Reference)

Or you want to pull women based on your ab you’ve gained from training twice a day in the gym. (Boy Reference).

It’s ok to not be ready.

However, if you are ready, then good on you. Be consistent.

Do the things you need to do.

Don’t worry if you fuck up every now and again.

Life is there to live, not to be in a perennial state of misery because you’re dieting.

Also, don’t do those faddy bullshit diets. They are shite.


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