Becky is a qualified Nutritionist from Lincolnshire.

She’s been an online DMF member for about 4 months now, and has come such a long way.

Here’s a lovely piece she wrote on her Facebook page.

“As a Nutritionist, I know A LOT about diet and exercise. Does this mean I find it easy to apply in my own life? The answer is no, not always.

There are times when it is easier than others and that often depends on what is going on in my life.

Recently life has been extremely busy and demanding. As a result, I didn’t feel great about myself before Christmas. I felt as though I was letting my own health and fitness slip which felt crazy as I was helping so many to do the exact opposite!

So, I decided to practice what I preach. I put myself first and enlisted the support of the amazing Dan Mitchell from DMF Evolve.

Whilst I knew what I needed to do, particularly with my nutrition, I just wasn’t doing it….

It can be mentally exhausting always trying to figure out a nutrition/training plan for yourself, even when you know how. Not to mention ensuring you are moving in the right direction, especially when you are a full-time working mum building a business!

I felt like I needed to pay an outsider to hold me accountable and keep a professional eye on me.

And it worked!

This was a photo of me a couple of weeks ago on a night out. I felt the BEST I have in years.

Whilst I have always been slim, I have never looked ‘toned’ and always suffered from a bloated tummy.

But now, thanks to Dan, my tummy is flatter and I feel stronger and fitter than ever! I am also so much more confident in the gym.

The moral of the story? Sometimes we know exactly what we need to do but life and/or our self-limiting beliefs hold us back.

Stop saying ‘the diet starts tomorrow’ or ‘I will be good from now on’….. it means nothing!!

Make the decision to invest in YOURSELF today!”

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