The Perfect Weight Loss Client
THE PERFECT CLIENT — I’m going to outline what a perfect client does when they come on board for weight/fat loss. Why? Just to show the reality of the situation. — Most people are in the whole *Eat as little as possible so I can lose weight, then get […]
Janette – Scoliosis
Online Coaching Our wonderful client Janette, or Janizzle as I call her has been with us for a while. She’s got some wonderful results. However, she’s got a knee injury we work around. I don’t train Janizzle in person, but we chat on skype and messages/phone regularly. She lives in Wales (the poor mite) and […]
Part 2 of Becky’s Weight Loss Journey
Am I a Fraud? So things progressed of course. Then my friend asked me to enter into a competition with her a “transformation bikini comp”. I couldn’t think of anything worse than standing up in front of strangers in a bikini to be judged. But I agreed, I thought it would do me good to […]
How Did Our Client Becky Get These Results in Just 7 Weeks?
My weight loss Journey. So January 2016 I changed my lifestyle and semi tracked my food and trained in my home gym around 3 times a wk. On top of that I walked the school run which ran up around 15 miles per wk. 6 months down the line I had lost some weight, […]
Guest Post from Angi Pilika – Online Client for a year!
I’ve been coaching with Dan for over a year now, and this morning whilst I was doing my morning walking some very important reasons to why I am not ready to go solo sprung to mind. See before online coaching I had been yoyo dieting and yolo’ing since I was about 18 perhaps even younger, […]
What I changed to go from Dad Bod to Photo Shoot Lean
The Back Story Once upon a time, there was a man who trained hard, ate clean and STILL couldn’t get lean. Well, he could, but it was brutally difficult and depressing to do so. That man was called Dan Mitchell. He was a bit of a joke of a Personal Trainer really. He could never […]
Part 3: Appetite Management for Dietary Adherence – Sleep
Schleepy peepies is what I call it with my 8 year old daughter. To the rest of us adults, its a pretty important factor in life. If not one of the most important things we need to focus on, especially if we are trying to improve our quality of life. Appetite Management For the […]
Part 2: Dietary Adherence and Appetite Management
Alcohol and Fat Loss – Do they even mix?! Well in part 1 we discussed stress, you can see part 1 here: Part 1 In part 2 we are going to discuss how alcohol can cause issues with fat loss. Now a lot of people understand that we don’t store alcohol as fat. That’s a good […]
3 Part Series on Dietary Adherence and Appetite Management
This is the first post in a 3 part series of which we address the bigger picture in Dietary Adherence and Appetite Management. Trainers miss the woods for the trees consistently when it comes to their clients. Pushing people through high intensity sessions, giving them restrictive diets and high frequency training programs when that will […]
Nick Tuckett’s Guest Blog!
EATING ON A BUDGET: How to eat healthily without breaking the bank. This morning I was asked: “I work 2 jobs to try and make ends meet. I’m short on both money and time. How can I eat healthily? It’s so expensive!” This is a question I get presented a lot. You are busy. There […]