Another superb success story, Adrian has smashed it in the short time he’s been at DMF.


Nutrition is a minefield. There’s a million different diets that see many people get varying levels of success.

But what ones should we follow – if any at all?

Where do we start?

Do we recommend for people to stand in the kitchen for four hours on a Sunday to food prep?

In this blog, you might be surprised how we get such awesome results from our members whilst making nutrition VERY easy…


At DMF, we like to make small improvements over time that are impactful and get results. This includes nutrition. All nutrition recommendations are personal and specific.

members progress – jane

Jane has been with DMF since September 2020. She’s made incredible progress and some life long friends along the way.

4 Ways To Balance Fitness & friends

Having fun with your friends is essential, no matter what your goals are. Are there ways you can tweak things to ensure you stay on track with reaching them?

3 Ways To Increase Your Protein Intake

Many people really struggle to get their protein intake up. In this blog we’ll show you 3 simple ways of getting that all important protein intake up.

Nutrition Doesn’t Have To Be Hardcore!

NUTRITION DOESN’T HAVE TO BE HARDCORE! Today’s blog is about nutrition, which is a big topic with so many different avenues we can go down.  Today we’re focusing on having a more simple approach to nutrition, why we do things the way we do at DMF and some simple suggestions to go with it.   […]