Jane's story since joining dmf

I joined DMF: Evolve a couple of years ago after my friend recommended it. I had been experiencing joint issues for some time due to an autoimmune condition and arthritis in my hip and had been told by my consultant that I needed to get stronger. My friend said I should give DMF a try as Dan and the coaches had helped others with similar issues.
I was a little apprehensive at first as I had never trained with weights before, but the members made me feel welcome and the coaches helped me when I didn’t understand the movement or terminology – I still need reminding sometimes. We started to work on my squats and a glute bridge to help with my hips and I’m so pleased that we did because it’s done wonders with my movement and pain.
I can move so much better now. I don’t groan when I leave the sofa and I can run upstairs without it hurting. Plus, I can now wear heels again, which is fabulous! I’ve learned so much since I joined, but mainly that it is possible to get stronger safely.
There is so much to like about DMF: Evolve but the endorphins you get after finishing a training session are great. I love the feeling you get knowing I am doing something good for my body. The sessions are fun, and I’ve met some great people and made lasting friendships.
I’ve enjoyed it so much that about a month after I joined, my husband has become a member too. He liked the sounds of what I was doing, he wanted to have a go too – we’ve both been members ever since!