As per our previous post, calories are the most important consideration when trying to lose weight/burn fat etc
Nutrition and Training 101
Protein = 4kcals per gram
Carbs = 4kcals per gram
Fats = 9kcals per gram
But where do we get them from?
Protein is probably the best to focus on first.
Hair and nails are mostly made of protein. Your body uses protein to build and repair tissues. You also use protein to make enzymes, hormones, and other body chemicals. Protein is an important building block of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood.
Basically we need adequate protein.
It’s also very filling and can help improve your appetite.
Our main protein sources are:
Lean Meats (fattier cuts of meat are fine, but not ideal if wanting to lose fat)
Whey Protein
NB – these are the main sources, there are others, but easiest and most bang for your buck are listed.
Our brains primary source of fuel
Required for Muscle Contraction
Not bad for you!
Can be filling if mostly choosing sensible sources for the most part.
Main sources
Starches such as Rice, Potato, Noodles etc
Vegetables & Fruit
Choosing the most fibrous sources for the most part is the best option long term
Fats – the most calorie dense macronutrient of them all.
However, a necessary macronutrient for health – often demonised by low fat eejits.
We require a base level of around 20% of your calorie intake from Fat.
Fats are found in:
Olives etc
Nut butters
and more
Something to be very aware of as they can quickly mount up in calories
A very simple view of the macronutrients that make up food calories.
Alcohol counts for calories too, which is 7kcals /g
If you consume a calorie surplus, regardless where it comes from, you will gain fat.