10 Weeks – how did we do it? 

 Jordan and I chatted in mid April and discussed his initial goals, with him telling me exactly what he wanted to achieve.
It was quite simple really. Jordan was already training 4 x per week at Romsey Rapids, seeing some results but generally feeling quite disillusioned with his progress. He had gained some muscle and some strength, but was flip flopping between lots of advice online in various articles/websites, standard fitness based magazines and outlets, plus some forums.
Jordan wanted to get “a bit leaner and gain a bit of muscle mass”.
I explained that this is no problem at all, giving him an outline of what the process would look like initially.

Start point at DMF

Jordan came to DMF for an initial assessment session, in which we discussed the program, provide some informative documents to read about how we approach nutrition, then we use our Inbody Scanner to see what he was made of (how much body fat/muscle tissue) at the beginning.
This would then enable us to set Jordan his starting targets and set realistic targets and expectations from the outset, outlining what he’d need to do to get where he wanted to be. He was pleasantly surprised that he didn’t have to give up a few beers when socialising with friends, nor did we expect him to eat a miserable, bland and boring diet.
I then created him a bespoke nutrition program to follow in our nutrition coaching app, in which he received specific daily instructions to follow, that were simple and were what we call at DMF “a reasonable ask”.


Slightly diving off topic here, you might be wondering what a reasonable ask is? 

We analyse each individuals lifestyle, their home dynamics, work set up, family life etc – then we make suggestions and program nutrition coaching specifically with these aspects in mind. Not a one size fits all program.

Anyone can get someone in great shape, six packs etc, by setting them a diet program that keeps them in a calorie deficit (that’s how fat loss works) – but building good habits that are sustainable and progressive is the true key to not rebounding back to our old habits.

For example, we aren’t going to suggest to a woman who has 3 kids, a part time job, struggled with her weight and has been in and out of slimming world for the last 10 years – to suddenly spend 4 hours a week food prepping and batch cooking.

Whilst that would probably help her, it wouldn’t be a reasonable ask.


Instead, what we do is provide the information to what constitutes a “healthy” diet, teaching the individual all the physiology and psychology behind nutrition that they’ll need to make long term solid progress.

Then analyze their current way of eating and start with some small but impactful changes to get them the incredible results we get, but focusing on sustainability.


This is precisely what we did with Jordan.

He had the program in his app, with full instructions on what to focus on for the first week.

After his first week, he provided me with his first “check in” – a detailed account of what he did last week with nutrition, training and life in general.

This is the process throughout the program, in which once we’ve received our weekly update, the coaching team provide each member any feedback and/or changes that are necessary to keep progressing. We also speak in person or on accountability check in calls to really drive home our support.


This is one element that many people struggle to manage and feel like they get completely derailed.

Jordan and I spoke regularly on how to manage these situations – enabling Jordan to continue progressing with out feeling restricted or that a hurdle will trip him up.

He would detail to me where he was going, what he was doing, what food was available to him and whether there would be alcohol involved.

Then I would provide strategies so that he could enjoy himself with food and alcohol and still maintain fantastic progress.


Everything we do at DMF is all small group Personal Training, its all completely tailored to each member and their specific goals, so we tailored Jordans training in sessions to help him achieve his goals. The training is generally set up to achieve multiple goals, but building an all round bulletproof body, building muscle and stacking serious strength is the focus – with improving movement, core strength/stability and also fitness.

Jordan tops his small group PT sessions up with our small classes too, usually in DMF between 3-5 x per week, depending on his schedule. 


It’s all well and good being able to get to this point, but keeping in good shape in a reasonable manner requires decent quality habits, built over time.
That’s what Jordan has built over the first 10 weeks and now we’re in month 5, he’s still in great shape and has new goals on the horizon.
Great work Jord!

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