shred winner

What did you learn whilst doing the shred?
- I’ve learned where the calories are in food and that you can still fill up and have a decent size meal if you’re smart about what you eat and think about food volume
- Eat slower and drink more water – Dan is always banging on about it, but it really does make a difference to feeling fuller or satisfied at the end of a meal
- Setting up a food environment to succeed – including educating those you live and work with to understand what you are doing and why and to maybe get involved too. My partner was great with helping prepare our meals and keep the rubbish out of the cupboards.
- Losing fat is down to simple maths – calories in vs calories out. If I want to lose fat I have to stick to the numbers, so there’s a bit of tough love in there and it’s not easy, but it’s certainly very doable if you put everything into practice
- There’s nothing wrong with eating the same meals a lot if it works and you like it
- If I could just get my step count up, I could do even better!”
What was the best thing about taking part in the shred?
“Support and accountability. Knowing other people are experiencing the same difficulties as you but you’re in it together. When I felt my motivation dwindle and when I knew I had to fight serious temptation (domino’s pizza day at work) it really helped to have a place to go to get the encouragement to do it. Giving other people a little help when it was needed helped to cement my own positive mindset too.
Also, a 6 week plan is mentally quite doable with the regular weekly check ins to keep me focused. So I’m actually up for continuing on!”
What habits have you built whilst doing the shred?
- “Focus on where I can get lower calorie food volume in my meals.
- If I’m going out for a meal, I’ll now choose from the menu in advance when I’m less likely to be tempted by poor choices. I can then plan the rest of the week’s or day’s calories around it. I make more sensible menu choices when I’m not sat in the restaurant hungry!
- Slow my eating and drink plenty of water
- Plan my food – it’s a big time saver and great you don’t have to think about what you’re going to eat all the time
- Keep a sensible and easy back up meal in mind that’s easily available for when life gets in the way – which it does”
Great work Hannah, looking forwards to seeing how you do in the next 6 weeks!