“I joined DMF in November last year and its been the best thing I have ever done, not easy at all and its been tough but I’ve:
Lost 20lbs..
Lost two dress sizes….(new jeans pic!) now in size 14 that I havent worn since before kids!
Dropped 55cms lost in total”
Mo (Morwenna) has absolutely smashed in her time with us and is a vital part of our team alongside her mate Nikki who has also done so many awesome things 🙂
I asked Mo a few questions recently and this is what she had to say.
What made you start personal training at DMF?
Having tried a lot of the diets on the market including Slimming World, Weight Watchers and The Body Coach I decided that I needed to do something to help shift the baby weight and get in shape. I also wanted to do something for “me” having spent 7 years being a busy Mum of 3 and working shifts. I knew I was at my heaviest weight and felt uncomfortable in my body. I had to buy bigger clothes and generally felt very unhappy. Even though the above diets worked for a period time I realised I needed a more personal approach and having followed Dan and DMF on social media and looking at the results he was getting with his clients I thought I would call for a chat.
Can you describe how you were feeling physically and mentally before coming to DMF?
I felt physically uncomfortable, embarrassed at the size I was and the fact I had to buy the next size up in clothes. Mentally I was very low, comfort eating and over eating which in turn then made me feel more depressed.

What did you want to achieve with DMF?
My main aim was to lose weight and get fitter and stronger. I also wanted to manage my nutrition better and try and find ways to combat my mindless eating and binging. I wanted to be happy in my own body and feel good about myself again, physically and mentally.
What results have you seen whilst Personal Training with DMF?
Where do I start?! So Since beginning of November, I have lost 20lbs and 55cms (I think!). I have got stronger and can now run faster. I have dropped two dress sizes and recently got into size 14 jeans which I have not worn since before I had children. I have binged less and gaining control of my nutrition and eating. It has not been an easy few months and Christmas was a bit of a write off but I hope the next few months continue to go well and I can lose more body fat and get stronger. I have signed up for Tough Mudder which I never would have done as never thought I could have done it but Dan has given me confidence that I can hopefully manage it! (lets hope I don’t die!). I have also improved my running and hoping to complete longer runs with the Great South at the end of the year.

Would you recommend DMF and why?
I would definitely recommend DMF. Dan is a bit of a nob (lol) but is a great PT and listens to you and your individuals needs and concerns and worries. He hasn’t just helped me in the gym to get strong and fitter but given so much guidance on nutrition/sleep/daily activity and strategies to help with my emotional eating. I have also had some injuries which he has helped me with and adapted the exercises in the gym to suit. Dan is really motivating and always happy to offer help, support and advice when needed. The gym sessions I train in are at 6am (yawn!) are always fun and the other DMF members I train with are all great. Dan is always happy to be offer help, support and advice when needed. If anyone is any doubt whether to join – DO IT! Best thing I have done and hoping that I end 2018 a lot smaller than I started! Oh, and he tells me to eat chocolate! How cool is that?
If Mo’s story has motivated you to change, then get in contact today 🙂
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