Before I joined DMF I felt I was kind of “stuck.”
I didn’t follow a gym programme, I just kind of copied workouts from the internet, did my own thing or attended gym classes (which I mostly hated.)
I’d like to say I had a good awareness of nutrition from previously tracking food but I had a terrible relationship with food and often ended up in the binge/restrict cycle.
I was 11.7st at my heaviest before joining DMF, I wasn’t happy with my figure and wanted to change that.
Especially after booking our wedding.
WI’ve learnt so much from Dan, mainly about nutrition, not to obsess over it and how to identify triggers for binges.
He’s taught me to listen to my body, it’s completely okay to take a few days off the gym and I’m also so much more aware of how important rest is.
I also know a lot more about how periods affect woman and feel I know my body a lot more now.
Through Dan I have massively improved technique on squat and deadlifts (still hate them )
But Dan has massively helped me with anxiety and how to manage it, he’s taught me techniques to deal with it and I feel a lot more confident talking about how I’m feeling to family/close friends!
I’ve also learnt how to track my progress in the gym and how to build on it!
So I lost 11lbs (roughly) during my time with DMF, my main goal was my wedding day so I was delighted and felt absolutely amazing on the day!
I received so many compliments on how I looked (especially my arms, which had no definition at all before.)
I feel more confident in the gym and I feel my technique has improved in most exercises.
I’m stronger and can now do a couple of assisted pull ups with the thinnest band, hopefully a body weight pull up isn’t too far away!!
My mobility is much better, I wasn’t able to touch my toes 2 years ago and my mobility warm ups have a lot to do with that!
I feel a lot more relaxed about nutrition and my body, I have more of a balance with everything rather than the all or nothing approach I had before.
I feel like I can handle my anxiety better and have so much more awareness of my body and what it needs!
You will not regret signing up with DMF unlike a lot of online coaching Dan teaches you the skills and techniques to get into the best possible shape while dealing with life, a job and whatever else you’ve got going on, he’s honest and so easy to talk to.
He also doesn’t make you do cardio (best PT EVER) I’d do it forever if I could!