Today’s blog is about nutrition, which is a big topic with so many different avenues we can go down.
Today we’re focusing on having a more simple approach to nutrition, why we do things the way we do at DMF and some simple suggestions to go with it.
Meeting People Where They Are At
Sadly I can say I was one of those Coaches who was all about hardcore, everything was clean eating, no processed foods and words like “Cheat Days/Meals” were in my vocabulary.
Spending time at countless seminars, webinars, qualifying in industry based courses – some good, some terrible, really helped me change my thought processes with all things training and nutrition.
Something that always hit home to me, was when a world renowned Nutrition Coach said “You can’t tell a busy mum of 3 kids, who has a full time job and barely any time to herself – by the way, you have to eat 150g protein, prep every meal from scratch and eat 6 small meals a day – its maniacal.”
They were right, they also then went on to talk about the psychology and also the physiology in what that was totally unnecessary anyway.
Not Necessary
This is such a key sentence to me – why do things that are simply not necessary?
It doesn’t make sense if you don’t need to do something, so why do that?
When it comes to nutrition, you don’t have to “eat clean” or eat 6 meals a day to get in and stay in shape – so why do that? (It has no effect on your metabolism).
Well, usually its because some “expert” or someone who is in outrageous shape has told us to do it. They MUST know what they are doing or talking about, because they have a 6 pack.
I fell in to that too.
I always wondered why I found it hard to get in to the shape I wanted to be, it was because I was doing stupid stuff that other people had told me to – or I followed people who didn’t really know what they were talking about.
The principles of nutrition apply to everyone.
We should eat adequate protein, vegetables, fruit, the right amount of fats etc – but how we APPLY that is specific to individuals.
We all have completely different lifestyles, wants, needs, history with food etc than everyone else.
What comes easy to one person, might feel impossible to another.
Which is why I believe we should meet people where they are at.
If someone walks in to DMF and they have had real struggles with nutrition in the past – my best bet with that person is always to change 1 small thing at a time.
In training we call it the minimal effective dose. You don’t need to give a newbie 100 sets of load a week for them to see results, they would see results from 20 sets in a week if they are starting from scratch – you probably won’t get buy in from them though.
Most people feel they need an overhaul, which is understandable, and in some cases – that’s probably necessary, but not in most.
Readiness to change needs assessing with each individual. How ready are they? Wanting an overhaul and facilitating one are two very different things – however, totally achievable for some.
Are they crazy busy?
Do they understand what different foods are and the impacts on how they feel/look?
Is their social life having a big impact on making changes?
There’s so much to consider, but usually, I prefer the approach of changing 1 thing at a time.
It could be simple – such as looking at your food environment in the home. Are there foods that you really struggle to avoid, that trigger a bit of a response – making you fall down a rabbit hole?
A simple solution is to donate that batch of whatever it is (Strawberry Pencils/Beer/Rum for me) – then commit to not buying it.
Already, that person is going to be in a better place with their choices and also calories. So this can then be built on.
Perhaps its their breakfast, or perhaps not having a breakfast usually. As I put in the Facebook post earlier in the week, if you’re starving by 3pm wanting snacks and don’t have breakfast, you have lunch – perhaps its the not having breakfast that’s having the impact.
Starting with one change and building from there, 1 step at a time is a great approach.
You don’t NEED to overhaul, you can just build.
Improving is positive right?
If someone eats poorly today, changing 1 aspect of tomorrow is an improvement.
It’s the same as training, if you can’t do 1 push up today, but you manage 1 tomorrow that’s 100% improvement.
Keeping things simple, realistic, sustainable and achievable are so important for long term success at DMF.
If you’d like some help with your nutrition, please let us know and we will arrange a chat!
Thanks for reading.